MBS Modernization Project

It is a modernization project in which the software to be used by the Ministry of National Defense is gathered under a single platform and developed with up-to-date technologies in an integrated manner.
KKBS-AY Project

It's a project to upgrade the Land Forces Command's information systems infrastructure by incorporating the latest technological advances and new modules and capabilities into the existing software.
LBS-YBS Project

It is the maintenance project of software platforms that monitors the planning and execution of logistics activities and managerial transactions of the Land Forces Command and the Ministry of National Defense.
Some of Our Projects
Anadolu Agency Software Based Wide Area Network
The supply of SD-WAN supported network and security devices, wireless network access products and central event management and reporting software projects for use in the Anadolu Agency General Directorate and regional/office offices, product supply, installation and configuration in central and regional offices, maintenance and support services have been completed.
T.R. Ministry of Justice National Judicial Network Server Systems
Within the scope of the National Judicial Network (UYAP) infrastructure renewal project of the T.R. Ministry of Justice General Directorate of Information Technologies, server systems and virtualization licenses were procured, and installation, maintenance, support, and consultancy services were provided.
T.R. Ministry of National Education Safe Schools and Distance Education Project
Product procurement, installation, maintenance, support, and consultancy services were provided within the scope of the purchase of network devices, SAN switches, and virtualization software licenses for the server and data center, which were tendered within the scope of the World Bank Safe Schools and Distance Education Project (P17399).
General Directorate of Forestry (GDoF) System Solutions
Within the scope of Virtualization Software License, NAS Storage Disk Increase, Backup Software, and Disk-Based Backup Unit Purchase required by GDF, product supply, system installation, maintenance, and support services were provided.
General Directorate of Foundations (GDF) IT Infrastructure Improvement
Within the scope of the GDF's IT infrastructure improvement project, product supply, system installation, maintenance, and support services were provided.
Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) Information Materials
As part of the Miscellaneous Type and Quantity Informatics Material Purchase Project of the Radio and Television Supreme Council Information Technologies Department, products were supplied, the system was set up, and maintenance and support services were provided.
General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSİ)
Within the scope of the Data Storage and Backup Units Capacity Increase Project of the Technology Department of the General Directorate of DSI, product supplies, installation, maintenance, support, and consultancy services were provided.
T.R. Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources IP Telephony Infrastructure
IP phone infrastructure and network active devices were provided for the Ministry and all its affiliated institutions (TEDAŞ, BOTAŞ, MTA, TEMSAN, TEİAŞ, TKİ, TTK, MAPEG) and all installation procedures were carried out.
T.R. Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Video Conferencing Systems Integration
Video conference and network active devices were provided for the Ministry and all its affiliated institutions (TEDAŞ, BOTAŞ, MTA, TEMSAN, TEİAŞ, TKİ, TTK, MAPEG) and all integration and installation procedures were carried out.
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources CCTV Infrastructure and Security Systems
The IP camera, access control, and license plate recognition systems of the Ministry's central campus and all affiliated institutions on the campus were renewed, and a monitoring and management center was established for all systems.
Roketsan A.Ş. Data Storage Unit Supply Project
Roketsan performed the installation and integration of the Data Storage Unit supplied for the computing infrastructure.
T.R. Ministry of Culture and Tourism License Update and Maintenance Repair Service
Licensing Update and Supply of Maintenance and Repair Services, Including Parts, of information technology devices registered in the inventory of the Central Organization Units of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism were carried out.
Some of Our References